As we approach Palm Sunday!28 March 2023 As we approach Palm Sunday, Let us remember that Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem as a poor man, not in style on a great...
The Wesley Code14 March 2023 Currently reading 'The Wesley Code' by James Stuart, I find these passages encouraging: 'In Jesus Christ, Wesley argued,...
Mediations on Easter7 March 2023 Isaiah 40:27-31 27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and assert, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is...
A Psalm of Ascent 28 February 2023 A Psalm of Ascent Psalm 121 I look to the mountains, Does my strength come from the mountains? No, my strength comes...
Dear God21 February 2023 Dear God, We do not know where you are leading us. We do not even know what our next day, our next week or our next year...
Shine your light.Our Children's Lights: In Children's Church this week, we read Matthew 5: 13-20 about Salt and Light. We tasted popcorn with (and...
An Acrostic Psalm 31 January 2023 As we encounter storms in life, health issues and flooding causing upset to many, be encouraged and rest in Him. An...